Posted by: limberkimbers | February 14, 2009

The mindless comfort grows when I’m alone with my ‘great’ plans.

2 weeks from today I will be en route to San Diego! I was out shopping with my mom today and we are both SO EXCITED.  We’re both very much looking forward to this break. And the shopping. !

I woke up with only about 15 minutes to go to get ready before leaving so I wasn’t able to have oatmeal for breakfast like I had hoped. Instead I grabbed a Praeventia bar and a fuji apple.  At the coffee place I had a large Chai tea. Black. This actually turned out to be a decent breakfast.

My goal today was to buy a Christmas present for my [almost 6 y/o] godchild. Yup, I still haven’t gotten him anything for Christmas. Whoops.  The thing is, I bought him a desktop computer this summer because he was about to start school and his mother couldn’t afford to buy it for him. THAT was his Christmas present. But I was informed via a family member that MORE was still expected of me. First of all, I still haven’t been thanked for the computer so I’m a little annoyed about that. The fact that I’m expected to buy gifts? Not cool! He’s my godchild and of course I want to spoil him, but I also don’t want to give him everything he wants when he wants it. I feel as if my cousin, his mom has these ridiculous expecations of me and I plan on discussing this with her next week when I go to drop off the gifts.

lol, sorry. I didn’t actually mean to vent but there you have it. This has actually been bothering me a lot lately so it’s nice to get it out 😀  And for the record, I did find him a gift. I spent about $50 and I got him a pair of jeans, a couple of tops and this fun little fishing starter kit. He spends his summers where I spent my summers as a kid and there are some great fishing spots there he can go to with his granpa.

Anyways. For lunch mom and I hit up Tim Horton’s since it was already almost 2pm. I had a cream of brocoli soup [which was watery] and a 12 grain bagel and chai tea.  Nothing fancy but it hit the spot.  Over lunch mom and I discussed nutrition. She’s starting to really think about nutrition and her health and she wants to clean up her eating too, so she was asking me and products I buy and things that I eat. If our relatives can live to be over 70 years old by smoking and drinking and not paying attention to their diet, imagine the extra years we could potentially add on to our lives by improving a few things?

I know today is Valentines Day but it’s something that I actually don’t celebrate.  The bf and I used to exchange gifts on this day but this year I put an end to it. Our gifts were never  Valentines-y, they were books and dvds and other unromantic things so I said that this day would be like any other. The thing is, the bf’s bday is January 27th, just a short month after xmas. And then my bday is Feb 18th so having Valentines day so close just felt like too much.  I do hope everyone who does do something special has a wonderful time though.

So this is some of the loot that I brought home from the various stores I went to today,

I actually found Luna bars AND Clif bars at Loblaws! I never go there but they have an actually really great selection of products so I will for sure be going back!  These bars were 5/$5. I would have gotten more but they were almost out of all the flavors I was interested in.

For dinner I kind of threw a few things together. I had picked up this at Costco last night,

I also had a small brie stinking up the fridge so I blended some parsley, sundried tomatoes and garlic together, spread it over the brie and baked it for about a half hour. I had some of that spread over whole wheat baguette and then 3 pieces of sushi. All very random but filling and delicious too!



  1. Oh wow, great purchases!
    How are those Praeventia bars taste?

  2. Great purchases!!! Your dinner looks yummy! 🙂

  3. It sounds like you are a seriously generous gift-giver who is very under-appreciated! Honestly, you are not obligated to do any of that, and you were exceedingly generous–they should show their gratitude!
    That puff pastry salmon/shrimp thing looks positively DELICIOUS!

  4. Thank you, it’s kind of you to say 😀

  5. The Praeventia bars are great! I’m not normally a fan of fruit in bars but I really like these. The combo of the fruit + chocolate is nice. I’ll definitely keep buying them!

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